Fees are as follows
1. Joining fee - $79 (once off)
2. Fortnightly fees - $75
The first payment is $154 (Joining fee plus first fortnight.)
Thereafter, please organise a direct debit, with your child’s name as the bank identification, for $75 per fortnight.
Visionary Martial Arts bank details:
BSB 116 879
Acc No. 065 507 056
Please be aware that there are 20 places (plus 5 scholarships). In the event of a student stopping training, the place will be given to the next person on the waiting list. In the event of someone wanting to return to training, their name will be put on the waiting list and then notified when a place becomes available.
Can I pay casually?
Yes. The fees are $18 per class. However if the club limit of twenty students is reached, no more casual members will be accepted. You are welcome to continue to pay on a casual basis until you feel that you are ready to start paying fortnightly.
Can I pay for once per week?
Yes. Just pay the $18 casual fee whenever your child/ren train. If the club reaches it's membership limit, we will try to let all our casual members know that there are only a few places left. Then you will be able to secure a place by converting to the fortnightly fee.
Can I buy a cheaper white suit?
What if I go on holidays? Do I have to pay?
No. If you go on holidays, just stop the payments for the amount of time that you will be away.
What happens at Christmas?
The club generally closes during January so you simply cancel the direct debit and restart it when training begins.
Does the club train during school holidays during the year?
Yes. Training as normal.